So, I’m having a few bitter sweet emotions right now with Noah. As I posted a couple of days ago, Noah finally started talking…”Daddy.” I don’t know if that simple word will ever mean the same. 🙂 Then, not even 3 hours after saying Daddy, he sits up on his own for the first time. He laying on the floor, crawling around, and the next thing I know, he’s sitting up staring at me. Then (yes, I said then) he crawled over to the bed and climbed up. (We are in the process of shopping for new bedroom furniture, so we just have a mattress on the floor…) And today, after Josh got home from work, we were sitting downstairs and he proceeds to grab the coffee table and pull up. He almost made it but he toppled backwards before he stood up.
I can’t believe it’s all going so fast. I’m super excited that he’s reaching all of these important developemental milestones, but there’s a sad feeling lurking around in the back of my mind. I mean, we carry a child for 9 months, anticipating their arrival, then when they get here, they grow up too fast. And the funny thing is, we-as mothers-have the tendancy to say things like “I’ll be glad when they get older so they can (fill in the blank).” but when they reach that age, we want them little again.
Anyway. Just some food for thought. I was having a little bit of a mommy moment and I thought I would share with everyone. Keep checking back, because at this rate, next week I’ll be writing about Noah getting his driver’s license. Haha 🙂
Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.