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On Blogging, Copycats & Plagiarism

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  1. Jimmy says:

    Courtney, I’m glad you wrote this post. I have been working on a case against Nicholas Sparks. He has plagiarized a story and conveniently named it “Safe Haven”. I have proof it is a blatant “rip off.” His plagiarism wasn’t even subtle. That is all I can reveal right now, the legal process is a delicate one.

  2. […] from my website and passing it off as their own. I referenced a certain post I wrote about Blogging, Copyright & Plagiarism and it undoubtedly went unnoticed. No worries. I hear there is a thing floating around called […]

  3. Jessica says:

    This drives me crazy too! I COMPLETELY believe that inspiration from others is a MUCH but copying…um, not so much! I actually recently had a client contact me because another blogger had STOLEN (I mean, just right-clicked and used) her social media icons that I had created for her, she was SO UPSET! I e-mailed the “stealer” and explained who I was and that my clients images were copyrighted and she took them down immediately and I thought, “Do people seriously think they can get away with all-out stealing of other people’s content?”, obviously they do!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.