I’m at home again today…spending quality time with Noah. Josh has been working alot the past two weeks, and it’s about to drive me crazy! I guess I should get used to it, they are dumping Josh’s unit (meaning almost everyone is leaving and they are getting tons of new people that aren’t trained or qualified yet.) so he is going to be working alot more until everyone gets trained. Not to mention, he has a job interview next Friday at Edward White Hospital as a Monitor Tech. We need the extra income with me not working, and he is super excited to be getting back in a hospital. Honestly though, I’m a little bit…I guess, jealous. LOL. Not that I want to be a monitor tech…ugh. Telemetry wasn’t my thing. But, I do miss working. I never thought I would say that, but I do. I LOVE being at home with Noah, but all day everyday, is starting to wear me down. I feel like I do absolutely nothing. I mean, I feel like I get up everyday and do the same thing over and over again. I know that it won’t be like this much longer, especially since Noah is almost crawling and will soon be getting into everything, but right now, I’m just blah…
I keep trying to remind myself that I am doing something important. I’m raising our son. He isn’t spending all day every day with some stranger we hardly know so they can take care of him and watch all of the new things he learns and discovers, but I’m just worn out. I need something else in my life that gives me some kind of direction and purpose. Something besides diapers, formula, cooking, and cleaning. I miss school. I actually miss papers and homework and studying. I felt stimulated then. Right now, I just feel like I’m wasting away. ::Sigh:: Anyway…now that I have kind of vented a little bit, I guess I will go for now. The bedroom needs straightening up and there is laundry to be done.
Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.