For my milestone 100th post, I’m finally getting photos of my planner up. I finally finished most of it last night. It’s very simple, very plain. But it works for me right now. The husband (being the wonderful man that he is) has promised me that I can order that ridiculously expensive, yet absolutely perfect for me planner I saw on the internet when I start working part time.(After bills are paid and debt is paid off of course.) But for now, this planner serves my needs. I don’t have a printer yet, so all of the extra inserts I just made with printer paper and magic markers. Ha. But, again. It works. I’ll redo it when I get my printer and have all of that stuff lined up. So, without further ado…my new planner 🙂 LOL
I added a “schedule” section where I have a list of my Daily Duties, cleaning schedule for Monday-Thursday, and things that get cleaned Monthly. My Daily Duties consist of wiping down the kitchen, catching up whatever laundry needs doing, picking up all of the toys and junk around the house, sweeping the kitchen and making the beds. Mondays I sweep and mop the kitchen and bathrooms. Tuesdays I dust the entire house. Wednesday is vaccuming and Thursday is my bathroom day. Monthly, I wash out the garage, clean the closets and reorganize the pantry.
This is what my menu section looks like. I made a grid where I can plan my meals and then a place to the side to write down everything I need to prepare that meal so I can coincide it with my grocery list.
This is my address book…all updated!
My weekly schedule…The lines you see are divided up so I can write down what I am planning to blog on that day.
Monthly overview.
Anywho. Not much. But I am sooo excited! This marks off #1 and #2 on my Mission 101 list. And #20…stick to a schedule. Yay for me! Haha 🙂
Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.