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10 Years Isn’t an Eternity

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  1. Mandi says:

    10 years does go by fast… I was just telling Sean last night I’m still not ready to watch it all over again this weekend on TV. I haven’t seen it replayed since I saw it live on 9/11. I can’t bear it.
    I was a senior, sitting in my 2nd Period Economics class goofing off when a teacher ran down the hall way saying we were being attacked. She said the WTC towers were hit, the Pentagon was hit and there is a plane heading for the White House now… we are at war.
    I remember crying and wanting to throw up as we watched the events unfold on tv. I was watching live as both towers fell and as the other plane went down in Pennsylvania. We didn’t do any more class work that day… in fact, we were allowed to go home but none of this. We wanted to be together. I still remember the strange silence all weekend without planes constantly flying over us.

    Sean will be watching stuff this weekend but I can’t… I’m still not ready 10 years later.

  2. Lindsey says:

    Eek, I got chills reading this like everybody else.
    I was in school too, though I don’t remember exactly what class. I’m Canadian and I assure you we were glued to CNN as much as any American, for weeks after.

  3. Jessica says:

    Yes, I definitely remember. I was, like you, in High School in Mrs. Jones’s Honors English class…this woman was one who didn’t stop teaching for anything and she came rushing into the room and turned on the TV and there we sat, watching it for the entire class, the entire day. I didn’t know what the Twin Towers really even were until that day, until they weren’t there anymore. So sad and I CANNOT believe that’s already been 10 years ago…think about how our kids are going ot think we’re “So old” because we remember every detail of that day?

  4. Summer says:

    It doesn’t seem long at all. I was a travel agent. Driving to work… It was insane. I can’t believe you were just a teen! I am old LOL

  5. Elizabeth says:

    I agree with Kimberly – your post gave me chills, Courtney! And it is difficult to believe that it’s already been a decade.

  6. Jenny says:

    Your guest post is up at my site. Sorry it took so long 😛

  7. SaucyB says:

    I live in northern NJ and have many friends who live and work in NYC. Thankfully I did no lose any of them on 9/11. I know what you mean about it not feeling like it’s been ten years since that happened. A few years after the attack my husband and I spent the weekend in NYC and stayed in a hotel that basically overlooked Ground Zero. I remember telling a friend, “I wish they would just put something there already. It’s like a big open wound just sitting there.”

    • Courtney K. says:

      I think it will always feel like an open wound…nothing they put there will ever truly erase or ease the memory of what went on there.

  8. jfb57 says:

    This is such an emotive piece. Thank you so much for sharing it. I can’t imagine what it must have been like seeing it live. It was bad enough watching the news that evening here in the UK. I do hope that as we all share the memories that as a world we become closer.

  9. Kimberly says:

    This gave me chills. Every story relating to this attack still send shivers down my spine. I will never ever forget that day, or the moment I found out.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.